Come creare facilmente un ebook per Microsoft Reader
Del tutto gratuito, facile da usare e permette di personalizzare i
propri ebook partendo da file HTML, Word o semplici file di testo. E' ReaderWorks Standard,
software sviluppato dall'americana OverDrive, Inc. e ideale strumento
per la conversione di libri, pubblicazioni e immagini in formato
Microsoft Reader (LIT).
Ecco come la OverDrive presenta il suo prodotto in distribuzione gratuita:
Imagine building your own eBooks in your home, office or school --
quickly and easily! You can with OverDrive's ReaderWorks Standard 2.0 -
the premier eBook authoring and conversion software package that
enables you to convert Microsoft Word documents into Microsoft Reader
eBooks. ReaderWorks Standard is the perfect tool for the casual user or
educator. Best of all, it's absolutely free!
- Create Microsoft ReaderĀ® eBooks quickly and easily with built-in wizards that make adding content a snap!
- Customize your eBook with support for HTML, Word, text file formats and images.
- Input feature ensures content is formatted to your specifications with clean, easy navigation.
- Find answers fast with built-in help files and online support.
Technical Specifications:
* ReaderWorks 2.0 accepts Word Documents, HTML, OeB package files, Text (ASCII) and images (JPG, GIF, PNG).
* Converted eBooks can be read on any Windows-based PC, laptop or Pocket PC with Microsoft Reader installed.
Price: Free
Download ReaderWorks: Go to the Download Center to get ReaderWorks 2.0!